Educating To End Abuse

Predator List - Child & Adult

Guest Book
Our Story
My Press Conference 12/05
National NOW Conferences, WCSAP & VIDEOS
Let Go of Guilt and Shame
Dispelling Myths: Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse
Silent Majority - Adult Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse Article & more from the Wichita City Paper
2008 Educating To End Abuse Shows
2007 Educating To End Abuse Shows
2006 Educating To End Abuse Shows
Emails from aquaintance of Fr. Nicholas Voelker
Mind of a Predator: Postings from Fr. Nicholas Voelker
Characteristics of a Clergy Predator & Red Flags
Adult Clergy Abuse Articles
Adult Survivor Stories
Child Survivor Stories
In The News
Songs & Poems
Books regarding Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse and Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors
Statute of Limitations by State
States Listing Clergy on Sexual Assault Laws and Fiduciary Duty Laws and States with Clergy as Mandatory Reporters
Predator List - Child & Adult
Kansas Legislation + Cost of Abuse
Links & Resources

To the Clergy Predators, which includes FR. NICHOLAS VOELKER, that visit my site:  Consider becoming real men and true soldiers in God's army by leaving the ministry.  You are only hurting yourselves, your families and the denomination to whom you serve, not to mention your primary victim, their spouse, children, extended family and the church family.  I would encourage you to find a therapist and I don't mean a fellow minister or priest, to help you figure out why you feel so inferior resulting in the need to control and abuse thus boosting your ego.  Find your own inner peace without using and abusing others to create a fantasy utopia inside your head.  It is time to cast aside the darkness and start living in the light.  Now is the time to start practicing what you preach, get out while you still have a shred of your dignity.  You know you are going to abuse again, that is what predators do, they can't stop but you can change the scenario and get that collar off of your neck and try to live your life in the real world.  It will be hard at first and you will actually have some responsibility and you might even have to get a real job, if you are lucky maybe at a men's fine clothing store, but with the help of a good secular therapist I am sure the transition would be relatively painless.  And if things really go your way you could find a partner that would put up with your narcissistic ways and when you stray and use and abuse your next victim at least the probability of criminal charges being filed would lessen. 
Good luck and God Speed to you getting a clue.

Yours in Christ,

Peggy Warren

Clergy Sexual Predators - While you are checking to see if your name is on the list take a minute to click here for more information on making your transition into the real world easier.

Adult Predators


Sherman Allen - Fort Worth, TX

John Boeckman - Erie, PA

Published on January 25, 2009 in the church bulletin for Holy Trinity Parish, Farrell, PA; St. Adalbert Parish, Farrell, PA and St. Anthony Parish in Sharon, PA.
"The Pope has laicized our former pastor, John Boeckman, dispensing him from celibacy and removing him from the clerical state.  He may not conduct weddings, funerals, baptism, etc.  If you have any questions or comments, you may contact me (Fr. Dan Kresinski, Pastor) or call the diocesan Vicar General, Msgr. Robert Smith, at 800-374-3723."

John Bussmann - St. Paul, MN

George Chaanine - Las Vegas, NV
Michael Cleary - Ireland
Gerald M. Connolly - Altoona, PA                                                                                             
Bartholomew Hao Thai Do - Arlington, TX 

Elvis Elano - Brooklyn, NY

Jeffrey Fasching - Wichita, KS


Leave of Absence - The Rev. Jeffery A. Fasching has requested a  Leave of Absence from active priestly ministry.  This request has been granted for an indefinite period of time, effective May 4, 2004. Father Fasching will no longer function as a priest or present himself as such. 

By Order of Rev. Msgr. Robert Hemberger, Diocesan Administrator, Witnessed by Rev. Paul C. Coakley, Vice Chancellor
Priest granted leave of absenceSPRINGFIELD—Bp.James V. Johnston recently announced that effective Oct. 27, 2008, Fr. Kyle Hill has been granted a leave of absence for personal reasons. Effective Nov. 6, 2008, Fr. Jeffery Fasching assumed duties as associate pastor of Immaculate Conception Church, Jackson; St. John Church, Leopold; and St. Anthony Church, Glennon. Fr. Fasching is a priest of the Diocese of Wichita in Kansas whose parents and family reside in the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau. ©TM

Timothy Fell - Baltimore, MD
Walter Fisher - Lakeland, FL

Christopher Floss - Joliet, ILL. 

James Gallagher - Richmond, VA
Stephen M. Garrity - Philadelphia, PA
James Hanley - Jersey City, NJ

David Hellmann - Lafayette, IN

Paul Ines - Scranton, PA.
Stephen E. Jesselnick - Greenville, PA
Roy Joseph _ Marquette, MI & India

Gary Mead - Garnerville, NY 

Frank Murd - Toledo, OH
Pius Nube - Zimbabwe
David Nuss - Toledo, OH
Michael O'Brian - San Antonio, TX
Anthony Oelrich - St. Cloud, MN
Michael Pappas - San Francisco, CA
John Powell - Chicago, IL., & MI

Rodney Rodis - Richmond, VA
Gregory Salata - Memphis, TN

Thomas Szydlik - Peoria, IL
Frederick Tollini - Santa Clara, CA
Nicholas Voelker - Wichita, KS



Victim looking for other victims of Fr. John Haberthier
from the Wichita Diocese transferred to the Dodge City Diocese
please contact me with any information



Page 1
Compiled by the Los Angeles Times
Downloaded May 7-19, 2006

Note from The years in the assignment lists below refer to the publication year of the annual Official Catholic Directory, which reports the whereabouts of priests on January 1 of the publication year. So if a priest is listed at a parish 1997-99, he was probably at that parish for at least part of 1996 as well.

The Los Angeles Times presented the following information as a database, and we encourage our readers to visit that dynamic version for up-to-date information on LA priests. Here we present the information in two static files for ease of searching and linking. See our note on the LA Times's important data-collection project.

Page 1
| Abercrombie | Alzugaray | Anderson | Arias | Arzube | Atherton | Baker | Balak | Barmasse | Berbena | Berumen | Bismonte | Boyer | Brennan | Brown | Buckley | Buckman | Cabaong | Cabot | Caffoe | Cairns | Carey | Carriere | Carroll | Edward Casey | John Casey | Castro | Cavalli | Cimmarrusti | Coffield | Connelly | Corral | Cosgrove | Cotter | Coughlin | Cousineau | Cremins | Cronin | Cruces | Daley | Dawson | Deady | De Jonghe | DeLisle | Devaney | Diesta | DiPeri | Dobbins | Dober | Doherty | Dolan | Dowd | DuFour | Duggan | DuPlessius | English | Epperson | Falvey | Farabaugh | Farmer | Farris | Fatooh | Faue | Arturo Fernando | Walter Fernando | Fessard | James Fitzpatrick | Thomas Fitzpatrick | Foley | Ford | Gaioni | Gallagher | Garay | Cristobal Garcia | Peter Garcia | Ramon Garcia | Richard Garcia | Ginty | Granadino | Grill | Grimes | Guerrini | Gunst | Guzman | Hackett | Hagenbach | Hanley | Haran | Harris | Hartman | Havel | Hawkes | Henry | Hernandez | Hill | Horvath | Hunt | John Hurley | Richard Hurley | James | Jaramillo | Jayawardene | Johnson | Juarez | Kareta | Kavanaugh | Kearney | Matthew Kelly | Patrick Kelly | Kenney | King | Klikunas | Knoernschild | Kohlbeck | Kohnke | Krumm | Lacar | LaPierre | Lawless | Leon | Lindner | Llanos | Loofborough | Loomis | Fernando Lopez | Joseph Lopez | Lorenzoni | Lovell | Lyons |

Page 2
| MacSweeney | Maio | Manning | Marshall | Martin | Ernest Martinez | Ruben Martinez | Martini | Mateo | Mateos | McElhatton | McGloin | McHugh | McKeon | McNamara | Mendez | Meyer | Miani | Miller | Mitchell | Molthen | Monte | Moody | Murguia | Murray | Nocita | O'Byrne | O'Carroll | O'Connor | O'Dwyer | O'Leary | O'Loghlen | O'Rourke | Orellana | Pacheco | Pecharich | Peck | Peguero | Pena | Henry Perez | Pick | Pina | Pleimann | Plesetz | Porter | Purcell | Quinlan | Ramos | Regan | Patrick Reilly | Terrence Reilly | Aguilar Rivera | Rodie | Rodriguez | Roebert | Roemer | Roper | Rowe | Rozo Rincon | Rucker | Ruhl | Ryan | Salazar | Salinas | Juan Sanchez | Manuel Sanchez | Sandstrom | Santillan | Satterthwaite | Savino | Schaller | Schimmaly | Scott | Sharkey | Sharpe | Sheahan | Silva | Sprouffske | Stadtfeld | Stallkamp | Sullivan | Sutphin | Tacderas | Tamayo | Teluma | Tepe | Terra | Thorne | Tresler | Tugade | Van Handel | Van Liefde | Van Ter Toolen | Verhart | Vetter | Villa Gomez | Vita | Wadeson | Walsh | Warren | Weber | Weitz | Wempe | Wishard | Wolfe | Ziemann |

WARNING RENO COUNTY - Fr. Nicholas Voelker has been reassigned as of June, 2008 to St. Teresa, Hutchinson, KS. and Holy Trinity, Little River, KS.   Parishioners please be on the look out for the 'Red Flags' that I have listed on the Red Flags page of this website.  Take care of yourselves and each other.  You will be in my prayers.


To the victims of Fr. Nicholas Voelker,
which include family members, girls from Marion High School and
parishioners from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Wichita, KS.,
St. Rose of Lima, Council Gove, KS.,  and St. Anthony, Strong City, KS.,
I pray that you find the courage to find your voice so that others will not be victimized by this sexual predator.

To St. Teresa and Holy Trinity parishioners who have found this site out of concern regarding Fr. Nicholas Voelker's behavior, know that you are not alone.  Ban together, demand from Bishop Jackels that Voelker be removed.  You don't need to put up with his mind games and narcassistic behavior. The Church is yours, not the Catholic heirarchys'.  For those parishioners who have contacted me, I commend you for your courage and strength.  My prayers are with all of you.

Click here to email LA County District Attorney Steve Cooley and demand that criminal charges be filed against Cardinal Mahony!