Educating To End Abuse

National NOW Conferences, WCSAP & VIDEOS

Guest Book
Our Story
My Press Conference 12/05
National NOW Conferences, WCSAP & VIDEOS
Let Go of Guilt and Shame
Dispelling Myths: Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse
Silent Majority - Adult Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse Article & more from the Wichita City Paper
2008 Educating To End Abuse Shows
2007 Educating To End Abuse Shows
2006 Educating To End Abuse Shows
Emails from aquaintance of Fr. Nicholas Voelker
Mind of a Predator: Postings from Fr. Nicholas Voelker
Characteristics of a Clergy Predator & Red Flags
Adult Clergy Abuse Articles
Adult Survivor Stories
Child Survivor Stories
In The News
Songs & Poems
Books regarding Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse and Clergy Sexual Abuse of Minors
Statute of Limitations by State
States Listing Clergy on Sexual Assault Laws and Fiduciary Duty Laws and States with Clergy as Mandatory Reporters
Predator List - Child & Adult
Kansas Legislation + Cost of Abuse
Links & Resources

National Organization For Women

THANK YOU N.O.W.! June 21, 2009 National NOW passed the resolution 'Call to Criminalize Sexual Exploitation of Women by Clergy' Click here to read full text.

Thank you to the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs for an extraordinary conference, May 2008.  It was a honor to be welcomed as a co-presenter of the workshop 'Silent Majority'. 

Detroit, MI.   
July 12-14, 2007

Presenters at the workshop

WORKSHOP - Silent Majority: Adult Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse

Video Introduction to the NOW Conference Presentation

Video of workshop presentation - stats, along with what adult clergy sexual abuse 'is' and 'isn't'

Video of Peggy's presentation at the NOW conference workshop