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In the Mind of a Predator: Postings from Fr. Nicholas Voelker

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In Sept. 2006, Voelker started posting on the SNAP discussion board, posing as his sister.  Survivors from all over the country supported me through yet another one of his pathetic stunts.  Thank you to all survivors! 

Voelker - Really, this thread should be removed from the forum. Peggy's claim was dropped because it was completely bogus. This priest is a nice decent guy. Not everyone in the ministry is but [b]Fr Nick is NOT a pervert in anyway[/b]. But he is a pretty handsome guy so its easy to see how someone as imbalanced as this person lost control of her emotions and lost her way. I hope you find your way back to sanity, Peggy.....

Registered Member
Posts: 11
(7/15/06 2:43 am)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
Why would you come here and say such cruel things?

I know people who got big settlements and yet the Church worded the agreement as if the abuse never occurred.
That doesn't mean it didn't happen, does it? It just means that they figured out a way to say that it didn't happen when they know it did happen.

I don't know anybody involved in the situation on this strand.

What I do know is that nbody would go through what someone is put through to come forward if the claim in bogus. It's hard to survive it all and it is not worth the money, it is just the only way to get change. I hae been hearing people say "so and so was making it up" or "so and so was not abused" or "so and so is loony and that is why they are saying this" for years. It takes a lot of courage to stand up and say what happened and how you were hurt. It takes no courage to do what you just did though, "truthsayer". Pegy's name is on the line, saying what happened. You hide your meanness behind a pretend name.

On those groups and all the above ones, you are not credible, Trythsayer.
Registered Member
Posts: 4
(7/15/06 12:38 pm)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
This priest is a nice decent guy. Not everyone in the ministry is but Fr Nick is NOT a pervert in anyway. But he is a pretty handsome guy so its easy to see how someone as imbalanced as this person lost control of her emotions and lost her way.

If holding a woman down and humping her leg is being decent then it sounds like Charles Manson is up for the "Humanitarian of the Year" award.

Why do people use names with "truth' in them and then say anything but the truth?

Registered Member
Posts: 109
(7/15/06 11:21 pm)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
Truthsayer, you obviously don't know all the facts about this situation. Since you don't, I would have to say your assertions are bogus.
Registered Member
Posts: 135
(7/15/06 11:30 pm)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
How can anyone be so cruel? Truthsayer, you sign on with a user name to make such a statement? How awful.
Registered Member
Posts: 98
(7/16/06 2:43 am)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
am tired of priest groupies...
here where i live there was a catholic deacon who was arrested and accused of 62 counts of sexual assault on a 12 year old boy that happened as late as last summer...

the deacon pled not guilty
most of the parish went on record in the newpaper claiming the deacon would never do such a thing.. they all went to court they rallied round the perp trashed the victim.. they collected money for the perps defense
then about 2 months ago the trial was suppose to begin and with all his groupies in the court house
he pled "guilty" to all 62 counts.. when the shocked judge asked why did you plead guilty..? the perp said "because i did it"
this included sodomy and forced oral

oh how the women and men thought the deacon was wonderful, handsome whatever..
it seems like many people are fed up with catholics
especially catholics who are delusional
i know i am... i am not catholic any more
so i am around other non catholics and they are outraged by catholics and others who trash the victims
didnt the john jay report say that less than 2 % of all allegations were unfounded.. ( and that was because of lack of proof not necessarily because it didnt happen)

Registered Member
Posts: 12
(7/16/06 8:22 pm)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
When people say a priest is handsome it always makes me want to puke my guts up. "Oh Granny, what big EYES you have!"

The better to see you with my dear!"

"Oh granny, what big teeth you have."

"The better to EAT you with my dear!"

Registered Member
Posts: 5
(7/17/06 9:37 am)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts

If you think that Voelkler is such a nice guy, Then maybe you should get him to babysit your teenage daughter.

Registered Member
Posts: 137
(7/17/06 9:56 am)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
Well said Ironman~~

They say Theodore Robert "Ted" Bundy was a handsome and nice guy too.
Registered Member
Posts: 12
(7/24/06 8:44 pm)
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New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
Hey All,

Thanks for backing me up while I've been on siesta.
What more can I say - you guys said it all...we just need to remember to keep "Truthsayer" in our prays. The truth is always hard to swallow.

Voelker - so on the wichita TV it said peggy only go $15000 in settelment, that's not very much.
Also the DA said on TV that warren continued to contact voelker even after he moved to CG, Now if someone abused me then i wouldn't continue trying to contact them. also the tv said the 2nd occurance happened in MO while on vacation, now if someone abused me I wouldn't be taking them on vacation, I may say fine, you're forgiven but still keep them at an arms length. Just seems a little fishy.
Also the DA said there were letters from Warren to Voelker, If warren wants to tell ironman details about the assult for everyone to read then why doesn't she share details of those letters? or are those details going to be what the DA of wichita found? (that it was consensual)

also people from CG saw Warren in CG with her baby and another woman,
now if someone abused me, twice by this time I would not be going to see my offender with my baby, my husband would be going to see the offender to pound him.
what would the woman that was there that day say? what would the neighbors say was yelled out the window of the car that day.

Registered Member
Posts: 25
(9/3/06 3:48 pm)

New Post Re: What's the real truth
so on the wichita TV it said peggy only go $15000 in settelment, that's not very much.
Also the DA said on TV that warren continued to contact voelker even after he moved to CG

It also said on TV that "We have proof that Iraq has stockpiles of nuclear weapons of mass destruction. " I supose that you still believe that too. If you believe everything that you see on TV? Here's some news for you, Wrestling is also fake.

Just because there are alot of tv shows newspaper articles about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny does not mean that they are real. Sex abuse is real. Maybe you need to understand the difference between fantasy and reality. Priest are holy and would not do anything wrong is a fantasy that we all here would wish was true, then none of us would be here. The priesthood being a haven for sexual predators is a reality.

If the diocese gave any her money in a settlement, That should show you that the diocese did not want this to go to court. I have never heard of the church giving money away for no reason. Look at all the children that were molested by these sickos and the church still refuses to pay for counseling.

If warren wants to tell ironman details about the assult for everyone to read then why doesn't she share details of those letters? or are those details going to be what the DA of wichita found? (that it was consensual)

Here is more news for you She did! Also If you bothered to watch the press release that the DA gave on this case you would have heard her say that it was not a preist abuse case, (She never mention sex abuse case, which it clearly is.)
Holding a wowan down and humping her leg is an act of criminal sexual conduct!

The Da never said it was consenual, Bishop Jackel did. The Jackel never did mention any penalty that Voelker would face for violating celibacy.

Also if you bothered to check anything out, the first thing that you would have discovered is the lawfirm that the DA belonged to before becoming the DA is one that represents the church.

Unless you were sexually abused yourself, you will never understand the trama that victims suffer. The actions of the victim are not going to be normal because of the trama. Any normal person would understand this.

You might want to contact your doctor's office and tell him that you need a refill for your prescription of ritalin. Coming here and defending criminals is not what this board is for.

If you still think that Voelker is a decent guy then you should ask him to babysit your teenage children.

Edited by: ironman at: 9/3/06 4:52 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 164
(9/3/06 6:02 pm)

New Post Re: What's the real truth
Peggy dear, you have my love and support. I know what these bad boys do to adult women.


Voelker - If people are going to continue this for over a year,
I think if everyone wants to hear the truth then maybe we should start with those answers.

Here's what the DA had to say.

The same DA that nailed the BTK killer to the wall.


I think Snap is a wonderful organization and I am happy there are people out there to help abused people. However, Snap resources are limited the way it is……

I actually know voelker and I have no problem with him baby sitting any children, teenager or adult, I'm betting i have known voelker for longer than you have known warren so i think you can probably understand me for defending him since you are coming on here defending her when ever she is the one that has all the answers.
I don't fault you for defending her. However your comments are still a little off,
peggy warren is not a teenage, she is a very average looking woman in size/shape. Have you ever seen voelker? i doubt voelker could hold warren down but whatever i'm sure that comment will be disregarded.

Why didn’t she fight? Why weren’t there cuts, scraps, pictures of those, why didn’t she yell for her husband, why didn’t she yell to wake up the kids, if this happened at voelker’s at Seas, which it wouldn’t because another priest lived there, why didn’t she yell and wake up the other priest. She doesn’t have any of that evidence, just hear say and letters she wrote to him and eye witnesses to seeing her in CG and hearing her yell things.

I just find it odd that warren always posts intimate details of what happened,. I’m a survivor and I have been to support groups talking with many other survivors, that’s the hardest part about this, is the details and reliving those, why does it flow so easy for her. Even on this entire SNAP ezboard, no one shares details like her.

the DA's statement that I linked did in fact say that it was consensual, watch it again.
these letters from peggy are not like the evidence of the weapons of mass destruction the US had in going to the war in Iraq. I’m a very educated person, I know wrestling on tv is not real

The DA said no crime was committed. You know everything isn’t a conspiracy theory. Just because the DA used to work for the firm defending the church doesn’t mean she is not going to take her DA job seriously now. There is no evidence that she is bias towards the church. You know what the DA and the Bishop said nothing happened, because those letters. I thank God everyday for those letters because if not he was be fried.

How do you know the bishop hasn’t give Voelker sanctions for violating his celibacy. Although NOT having sex is kind of a stretch but ok, He has had sanctions against him. And I know what sanctions for a fact, I could list them. Why do those need to be made public? Why does he have to be raked over the coals? I know peggy’s just going to tell you that he had a big promotion, so he had a title change, who cares, nothing has changed except his title. No money, No housing, benefits, nothing.

You have no suspicion, none at all? I know there is something in your head now, things don’t make sense, make them make sense Peggy, or stop writing all this.

Misunderstood message

Registered Member
Posts: 27
(9/4/06 7:04 pm)

New Post Re: Here's the real truth
You don't sound like someone who knows Voelker, You sound like Voelker.

Don't come here and tell me what I don't know, because I do.
Peggy has shared ALL the details of this case with me . Stating that she didn't let me know about the letters is a LIE.Your remarks are LIES. Maybe you should change your user name to Voelkerlies.

If there wasn't any substance to this case, the diocese wouldn't have offered any money. Most of the people here would verify this.

If Voelker is innocent? Why hasn't he filed suit against Peggy. I am sure that she would love to have this case heard in civil court. Just becase their are no criminal charges doesn't mean that the crime didn't happen.

Once again, Please contact your doctor and get your prescription for ritalin refilled. Take your medication, file suit and leave us alone.
Edited by: ironman at: 9/4/06 10:46 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 100
(9/4/06 7:20 pm)

New Post Re: Here's the real truth
I just read this garbage. "WHY DIDNT" SHE FIGHT???" I am so @#%$ mad I could kick my computer all the way to Kansas.

Registered Member
Posts: 29
(9/4/06 10:03 pm)

New Post Re: Here's the real truth

Here is the way I see it.

Voelker has his safe place, (his church), in which to claim his innocence and blame the victim. Peggy does not go there. Now Voelker insists on coming to Peggy's "safe place" to make false accusations, lie about facts, blame the victim and demand that after a year this should stop.

Now it is our turn to visit Voelker in Kansas and stage a protest at his church. I will personally be there to accompany Peggy as we talk to reporters and give out copies of his posts.

I will keep you informed as this develops so that you can join us in Kansas.

See you in Kansas.
Edited by: ironman at: 9/4/06 10:47 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 101
(9/4/06 10:52 pm)

New Post Re: Here's the real truth
I like's kind of a healing mass. It's a mass of survivors looking to do some healing.

Do you think Fr. Abuser should go to confession first? He seems to be interested in Peggy (still)?

I think his Bishop should know. I will look him up...there can't be that many in Kansas.

Registered Member
Posts: 30
(9/4/06 11:02 pm)

New Post Re: Here's the real truth
If you want to speak to his bishop, just call the Witchita Diocese and ask to speak to "the Jackal".
Registered Member
Posts: 31
(9/4/06 11:08 pm)

New Post Re: Here's the real truth
Do you think Fr. Abuser should go to confession first?

It won't do him any good. He should wait until after we are done. he is going to need it.
Registered Member
Posts: 256
(9/5/06 5:00 pm)

New Post Re: What's the real truth
I am amazed at the naivete displayed in the posts of "peggylies" whoever that is such as:

Just because the DA used to work for the firm defending the church doesn’t mean she is not going to take her DA job seriously now

Yes it does. I can't believe the DA didn't recuse herself from the prosecution if she had that close of a connection to the lawfirm representing the priest.

I'm more and more amazed each day at the amount of corruption and blatant conflict of interests in these cases. This country is truly run by criminals, the ones profiting from the current war for example, who "peggylies" also defends. Those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq are about as real as priest celibacy vows.

And the person posting has "known Voelker longer" than Ironman knows Peggy?

Are you guys roommates? Sweet.

You would let a person accused of and paying a settlement for "unwanted sexual advances" babysit? You must be a priest.

Edited by: cityofangels1 at: 9/5/06 5:06 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 257
(9/5/06 5:14 pm)

New Post Re: What's the real truth
This is what you find out when you follow the links provided by "peggylies"

... the church reached a settlement of a little more than $15,000. That legal paper work states the settlement is not an admission of guilt. Bishop Jackels said the church owed her nothing but paid the money out of charity for her to use for counseling.

On Tuesday, Warren and others presented the bishop with a letter demanding Father Voelkers removal from the church.

Bishop Jackels said Voelkers is not a danger to anyone.

"I would not knowingly allow a priest to continue in ministry if he were to pose a risk to anyone."

'nuff said. We've all heard these lies for so long we recognize them: "not an admission of for her to use for counseling"???

Oh yeah, happens all the time.


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Posts: 32
(9/5/06 5:20 pm)

New Post Re: What's the real truth
The DA's last name is the first name on the firm that represents the Diocese of Witchita.

He is not only a priest but he IS Peggy's abuser. (Nicholas Voelker)

He keeps blaming peggy for keeping this thread alive for over a year, but if you look at Peggy's posts, she has not said anything about him for over a year. This shows that he is still obsessed with her and he is still a threat to vulnerable women.

These are just some of the reasons that we are planning a visit to his church in Kansas. Come and join us, meet other survivors, and help us show these perverts that we will not tolerate their behavior.

Edited by: ironman at: 9/5/06 7:16 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 33
(9/5/06 7:37 pm)

New Post Re: What's the real truth
"not an admission of for her to use for counseling"???

It is funny how the church twists the truth and lies and expects people to believe it. They admit to the $15000 and say that it was for counseling.

Here is the real truth. With the $15,000 settlement there was an added $8,000 that was for counseling. That brings the total to $23,000. Get the facts right Voelker!

New Post 

Voelker - ok,
This is not voelker, I have known voelker for over 15years.

He kind of computer stupid and he doesn't even have an email address.

He doesn't know about EZ board or that I'm here posting on his behalf.

I will stop posting if that would avoid a protest, I will even delete pervious posts, I don't think a protest would benifit anyone.

I read truthsayers post and I thought that seemed like a good idea,
I didn't think that it might step on the save haven of other victums.

So I guess we can come to an agreement that I can stop posting and delete posts...

Registered Member
Posts: 34
(9/5/06 8:13 pm)

New Post Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
I will stop posting if that would avoid a protest, I will even delete pervious posts, I don't think a protest would benifit anyone.

I refuse to negotiate with terrorists.

It is too late for that. You should have thought about that before you decided to attack the same woman that you have attacked before. The protest will continue. We won't stop until you are permanently removed from any position within the church.

People are easily traced on the internet. You were extremely easy. All of the evidence and details will be revealed to the press, at the protest, in Kansas.

Keep posting as it is very entertaining

Voelker - Ok,
This is not Fr. Nick,
this is Fr. Nick's sister.
and you are right, I didn't think about all this before I posted, I was angry, and wasn't thinking.

Registered Member
Posts: 104
(9/5/06 8:25 pm)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
All perverts love computers, and have email address. It is the "safest" way to communicate...unless you keep posting to global web sites.
Registered Member
Posts: 256
(9/5/06 8:44 pm)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
My theory
This nick is schizo
How could his sister have known him only for the last 15 years?
He formed the sister as an alternate personality
that he then used to rape women
or make "unwanted advances"
because his alternative personality is a lesbian woman....

I've lived in Hollywood too long....

My real name

Registered Member
Posts: 165
(9/5/06 8:48 pm)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
You are Fr Nick's sister, and have known him for 15 years, does this make you a minor child? I would be scared Miss Peggylies!!
Registered Member
Posts: 166
(9/5/06 8:51 pm)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
I have never been to Kansas, come on Toto!
Registered Member
Posts: 35
(9/5/06 9:19 pm)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
My theory
This nick is schizo
How could his sister have known him only for the last 15 years?
He formed the sister as an alternate personality
that he then used to rape women
or make "unwanted advances"
because his alternative personality is a lesbian woman....

This sounds like the Norman Bates scenario starting all over.


How can she be his sister if she is not a Voelker. More lies.

We have an address and will double check it with Kansas state records tomorrow during business hours.

Edited by: ironman at: 9/5/06 9:31 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 36
(9/5/06 9:26 pm)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue

There is no need to remove your posts as they already have been copied.

Also, wasn't there a restraining order involved in this case that prohibited 3rd party contact as well as direct contact?

Long live the protest!

Registered Member
Posts: 37
(9/6/06 6:54 am)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
Once the reporters get a hold of our information, Nicholas Voelker will become a celebrity with the news Media as "the priest who was caught lying on the internet, while cyber stalking one of his previous victims." Even the Jackal can't save him now.

I can just see children jumping rope on the playground chanting:

Nickolas Voelker is his name,
Molesting women is his game
He certainly is no mister,
Because he poses as his sister

His name is Father Nick,
He is evil, demented and sick
He was caught lying on the net,
Now he is washed up, finished and wet

Edited by: ironman at: 9/6/06 7:41 am
Registered Member
Posts: 105
(9/6/06 8:11 am)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
Fr. Voelker...please exit the priesthood and seek long term therapy for your problems. You really need to work on your relationship with the Lord. Leave Peggy alone. She has a family and YOU DO NOT. She has a long road ahead of her and time to heal.

Registered Member
Posts: 38
(9/6/06 8:45 am)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
He also needs to admit his guilt and make a public apology to Peggy and her family for revictimizing them.

He can either admit to revictimizing her or we can do it for him. I don't think he is going to like the way that we are going to do it.

The choice is his and time is running out.

In the words of Bob Dylan "Its all over now, Baby Blue"
Edited by: ironman at: 9/6/06 8:51 am
Registered Member
Posts: 106
(9/6/06 10:11 am)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue the unity of the Holy Spirit...

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Posts: 107
(9/6/06 10:46 am)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue

copy and paste it in your browser
Registered Member
Posts: 54
(9/6/06 11:57 am)

New Post Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
Click on this link to see the news report:

How can this moronic bishop call it a "consensual relationship?" There is no such thing as an affair, inappropriate conduct, etc., these bishops are pathological liars. Abuse is abuse is abuse - period.

There can be no consent whatsoever when it involves anyone in a position of power, especially a spiritual leader ie; priest, rabbi, deacon, reverend, etc. These perpetrators are guilty of "soul murder."

Ironman is right - how can you tell when a bishop is lying? When his lips are moving!

I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.

Peace Always,

Donald Bondick
Rockford SNAP
Rockford, IL
(815)978-8082, 24 hrs.
Registered Member
Posts: 39
(9/6/06 1:00 pm)

New Post Re: Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue

If you think that the bishops statement is sick, You should have seen the posts that Nicholas Voelker deleted, especially the one where he calls himself a victim.

As a matter of fact you will be able to read them as they were copied before he deleted them. I will repost them later.
Edited by: ironman at: 9/6/06 1:02 pm


Registered Member
Posts: 261
(9/6/06 6:37 pm)

New Post Consensual sex with a priest?
As always I am intrigued and amazed as the depth of this story of priests who are sexual predators unfolds. Today I want to pipe in on this idea of consensual sex when one of the participants is a priest and the other an adult, male or female.

There is a fine line, I think, between the dynamics of sex and spirituality. The two energies are very similar and that inability to keep oneself from crossing over the line is the reason we see sects in utah and kentucky where old men have sex with young girls as part of the ceremonies of the church.

It can be mesmerizing, the eyes of a priest, when sexual attraction is added to the glint. I remember so many times as I stumbled through life encountering men of the cloth, be they protestant or priests or holy men at communes in the early 1970s. I couldn't resist the attraction of these men because spirituality was added to the sexuality in the dynamic.

This confluence of sins is what sets us apart as survivors of priest rape, from others who have lived through child molestation and from others who have been raped by a person in a high place.

Whether or not it was consensual at the moment for Voelker and Peggy, it was the confluence of sex and spirit that makes the events tawdry, indeed makes them crimes. It's hard to believe a priest can go through seminary and years of parish priesting without realizing he has this advantage, this hold over a potential sex partner.

The priests we speak about on these boards are the ones who couldn't resist stepping over that line and their crime has yet to be defined in law. Sex with a priest can only really be consensual when it is between two priests. In cases of a priest with a lay person, the priest is in power, and it is rape, whether pedophilia or just plain old rape.

kayin l.a.

Edited by: cityofangels1 at: 9/6/06 6:55 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 42
(9/6/06 7:38 pm)

New Post Re: Consensual sex with a priest?
It's hard to believe a priest can go through seminary and years of parish priesting without realizing he has this advantage, this hold over a potential sex partner.

A lot of them DO realize this. That is an abuse of power and power corrupts weak minds.
That is why it is called "Clergy Abuse"
Edited by: ironman at: 9/6/06 7:42 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 125
(9/6/06 7:47 pm)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts

Hi Peggy! Hang in there!!! We support you 100%!!!!


I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it, until it looks like I might get hurt, then you're on your own.

Edited by: NewAZ at: 9/6/06 8:04 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 126
(9/6/06 8:02 pm)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
Voelker, what's the matter? Peggy getting to you? The truth getting to you? Both? Tough.

The days of priests molesting people at will and getting away with it are OVER.

Survivors have been evolving as a group.
We are no longer isolated thanks to the internet. We come from all walks of life, and we are very different. We've had a few squabbles. But our differences are getting ironed out.

We grow more and more united and determined to fight you evil molesting pervert clerics every day.

We have the truth on our side and we are going to prevail. What do you perps have? Money and lawyers. And soon, the lawyers will have most of your money.

You think you really got away with what you did to Peggy?

Everyone knows who you are now, and the next time you slip up and get caught, ( and you will ) we are going to be there demanding your prosecution, marching in front of the Sedgwick County Courthouse and the Wichita diocese..

I only wish I could make it to the protest you are going to get for attacking our sister on this board.

The survivor movement is very young. We are getting bigger, stronger and more determined all the time, every day. Most importantly we are more united. Greater "unit integrity" among survivors means bad news for the RCC.


I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it, until it looks like I might get hurt, then you're on your own.

Registered Member
Posts: 114
(9/6/06 8:27 pm)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
I am finishing up the mass mailings to the Diocese Staff and Parish Staff plus Ministerial heads. If you all have anything to add, send me a note. I will wait probably until next Monday...all of your replies will take time o go through.

I also will be sending out notices to all Women's Advocacy groups in Witchita. That way other victims will have the cahnce to know how to file suit...and who to contact first.

Good luck and God bless, Father. I know it is rough these days with all this scandal...the Diocese will continue to pay for your assesment and therapy as long as you need it. Geting out of the collar is easier than getting the say.
Talk to your Bishop...he will be happy help you work out your issues in a safe way. He would rather not wait for your next slip up. Don't worry about paying back the schooling costs, if you had some. The Ministry Personal Director will help you with the small matters and paperwork. Hang in there, Father. We continue to pray for you; God loves you too.


Edited by: rice55 at: 9/6/06 10:13 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 43
(9/6/06 11:02 pm)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts

You can choose to be lactized on your own or we can do it for you.
I personally would perfer to do it my way.

You people need to realize that if when you revictimize just one survivor, it affects us all. You decided to come here, now deal with it.
Edited by: ironman at: 9/7/06 3:18 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 115
(9/7/06 7:45 am)

New Post Re: Voelker whereabouts
Picture of Voelker...TRIGGER WARNING!

It must be a hard day when you have to prepare for mass and can't quite get those hands clean. Not to mention, the poor position that you put your entire Dioceses must be incredibly painful for you to put on those vestments. You can lay it all down. You can just face the fact that you need to take care of yourself so that you don't hurt someone else.

Meanwhile, I will help you move towards that goal of not hurting poeple...

Dear Parish Members and the Good People of the Diocese of Witch[/i][/i]

Come on Voelker...make a career move! The word is means wickedness, not sinfullness.

Registered Member
Posts: 116
(9/7/06 9:09 am)

New Post Peggy
I reached my private massage limit...we will find a way to talk more.
Registered Member
Posts: 259
(9/7/06 11:06 am)

New Post WHY???
Thanks for the link. I look at that picture and think why would anyone even want to be a priest today? Those garish robes, oblique? Swish...

With all the current crime convictions in the church and prosecutions underway? I look at those guys and just can't get it.

anyone who can explain why anyone would want to be a cathoic priest today please respond here.

If you are truly moved to preach the Word there are street corners in every town. You can do your good deeds...

I just don't get it.

kay in l.a.

Edited by: cityofangels1 at: 9/7/06 11:22 am
Registered Member
Posts: 1569
(9/7/06 12:25 pm)

New Post Re: WHY???

I'm going to make a serious effort to answer your question,
but not here, not on this thread because it's too important
a thread to allow it to swing off-topic.

Look over in the 'Other Related Discussion Topics' which
is the place I put it to avoid having to use my mind to
really figure where it belonged... :-)
Registered Member
Posts: 44
(9/7/06 3:17 pm)

New Post Re: WHY???
Thanks Greg,

This topic will stay on focus until Nicholas Voelker is no longer working in the church, in any capacity.

He has shown us that he still is a danger to Peggy and any other woman as well. This man has and still is abusing his power and authority.

If he thinks that the heat was on when peggy first reported his abuse, he hasn't seen anything yet.

The organization of the protest is going pretty good. We should have a date set as early as tomorrow. We are getting some good response from some people already and expect a good turnout. It would be great if You could make it. Maybe write an article for the NRC? We will set a date which should give people enough time to plan to be there.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to send me a personal message.
Edited by: ironman at: 9/7/06 3:19 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 1573
(9/7/06 3:32 pm)

New Post New word
We've occasionally coined new words here.

It occurs to me that we need a short hand for what
Peggy reported (abuse of a vulnerable adult by a
priest who grooms and ingratiates himself into
her life).

How about 'she was voelked?'

Or 'he voelked her over.'

Or 'careful, he seems like a nice guy but he is
reputed to be a bit of a voelker.'

Or, when you drop the Lectionary on your toe:

If he does the deed in a car, it becomes a

And of course if he puts on some tunes to
produce the right romantic setting, it's

And when he finally gets laicized, well,
'That's all voelks!'

Registered Member
Posts: 46
(9/7/06 3:38 pm)

New Post Re: New word

You do have a good way of using the right words.

We will be content with "Thats all Voelks"
Registered Member
Posts: 117
(9/7/06 6:00 pm)

New Post Sick and wrong.
This is so sick that I can't stand it. Voelker, you looked so happy in your photo. My man, step down from that altar and ask yourself what is going on in your life right now that you still need to contact Peggy. You are trying to right a wrong. Presently, you do not see yourself as the abuser. You are the abuser. You really need to get some help.
Registered Member
Posts: 130
(9/7/06 6:00 pm)

New Post Re: New word

Is there another word that is simultaneously a noun, a verb and and an adjective? Yes there is, but for us it just became semi-obsolete.

And besides, we can actually say Voelker in it's various forms without being censored.:smokin

I can only imagine how one might make use of these new words on placards carried at a protest. It is my hope that these new terms are used until they find themselves in Websters.


I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it, until it looks like I might get hurt, then you're on your own.

Registered Member
Posts: 2
(9/7/06 6:32 pm)

New Post Nicholas Voelker is not fit to lead a congregation
Your chance to stand down on your own is not going to last very long. We won't stop until you are removed. The protest will go on as planned. Then you will have no choice.
Edited by: fishhead2000 at: 9/7/06 6:33 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 259
(9/7/06 6:56 pm)

New Post Voelked. You've been voelked. New word.
This kind of rape hasn't got a good word to define it yet. I like that. Voelked. She was voelked. He voelked. It serves a purpose.
Edited by: cityofangels1 at: 9/7/06 6:57 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 48
(9/7/06 7:42 pm)

New Post Nicholas Voelker Is A Coward
Nick Voelker,

First you sexaully assault a woman and lie about it. Then you come to a survivors message board and attack her. When you are found out who you are, you hide behind your sister and now you won't say anything. WHAT A COWARD

Edited by: ironman at: 9/7/06 8:16 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 49
(9/7/06 9:27 pm)

New Post Write letters For Nicholas Voelker's Removal
Here is the link to write letters to the editor of the Wicthia Eagle. Let them know what this pervert has been doing. Demand that he is removed from any position within the church.
Edited by: ironman at: 9/7/06 9:42 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 128
(9/7/06 10:25 pm)

New Post Re: Write letters For Nicholas Voelker's Removal
They are all cowards. Morally bankrupt, lying, cowards. His sister indeed. Would an innocent man claim to be his own sister?

Even so, you are quite right Ironman. This guy is a coward among cowards.


I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it, until it looks like I might get hurt, then you're on your own.

Registered Member
Posts: 50
(9/7/06 11:17 pm)

New Post Re: Write letters For Nicholas Voelker's Removal
This is not voelker, I have known voelker for over 15years.

If it was his sister would she claim to know her brother for 15yrs, when she is almost 30yrs old?

He kind of computer stupid and he doesn't even have an email address

He owns a laptop.

If he was even the smallest part of a man, he would own up to this and pubicly apologize to Peggy and her family and remove himself from his position with the church. WHAT A COWARD.

Edited by: ironman at: 9/7/06 11:46 pm
Registered Member
Posts: 52
(9/8/06 10:39 am)

New Post Protest against Nicholas Voelker Will Continue
The date for the protest against Nicholas voelker has been set. The protest will take place Sunday Oct 1 at his parish in Council Grove, Kansas.

Plan to come early as there will be other survivors coming throughout the weekend.

Please send me a personal message if you have any questions.

Registered Member
Posts: 53
(9/8/06 4:19 pm)

New Post Re: Write letters For Nicholas Voelker's Removal
Voelker has already contacted the Diocese of Witchta and claimed that he is aware of this and that his sister did it without his knowledge. This again is another Lie. Just like the lies that were posted on this thread.

You can lie all you want, but all of your lies will be revealed on Oct. 1. Keep lying all you want, you won't have any explaination come Oct. 1.

McDonalds is hiring and they supply uniforms. Can you say " would you like fries with that"?

Registered Member
Posts: 118
(9/8/06 9:07 pm)

New Post Re: Write letters For Nicholas Voelker's Removal
Bishop Jackal, and the diocesan staff of the Diocese of Witchita, we welcome your comments of sympathy for the victim/survivor Peggy.
Registered Member
Posts: 54
(9/9/06 6:32 pm)

New Post Protest is Cancelled
At Peggy's request the protest has been canceled.

This was not my call. I personally think that it should continue as we have enough evidence already and will have more when the investigation is complete. Thank you to all who participated and thanks for all of your efforts and support.

Registered Member
Posts: 265
(9/10/06 12:01 am)

New Post Re: Write letters For Nicholas Voelker's Removal
Actually there was a demonstration. Here.
Registered Member
Posts: 168
(9/12/06 7:50 pm)

New Post Re: Cyberstalking: Dangers on the Information Superhighway

Jeff Dion spoke Sunday at the SNAP conference. He represents The National Center for Victims of Crime.

Stalking Myths and Realities ~

Assistance, please call 1-800-FYI-CALL, M-F 8:30 AM - 8:30 PM EST for The NCVC.

I found an attorney with the help of these people. In my opinion Jeff Dion was the best speaker at the conference and sadly he spoke on the last day, Sunday.

Take good care Peggy. I respect your wishes and you and your family are top priority. But what does it take for a man to go from stalking to holding a gun to your head. I experienced it.

With love,



"But the years of anxious searching in the dark, and the final emergence into the light -- only those who have experienced it can understand it." -
-- Albert Einstein

Registered Member
Posts: 19
(9/22/06 11:27 pm)
Reply | Edit

New Post Re: Protest is Cancelled
Your support is so great!
I am just sorry that "Peggylies" upset and frightened some of you.
We must stay focused on the positives
The Kansas House Bill 2661 which would add clergy to the fiduciary duty laws here in the State of Kansas with the help of KS State Representative Nile Dillmore.
The monthly show "Educating to End Abuse" on the River City Forum Show. It is always great to hear your comments and questions. Remember the date this month is Sept.28th. I won't be on this month but you will be seeing a familiar face, Janet Patterson and a new face to the program, Deann Smith, a Methodist minister and advocate here in Wichita. I will be back in November along with the group AREA (Alliance to Recognize and End Abuse) to discuss further legislation that would empower victims and ultimately bring justice.
Last but certainly not least the Support Conference here in Wichita in December. I hope many of you can come. I look forward to meeting you.
Thank you all again for your continued support and I hope all of you are doing well.
See you in December!

Peggy Warren